Wai Wheels Car Show

Wai Wheels Car Show Wai Wheels Car Show Wai Wheels Car Show Wai Wheels Car Show

The Wai Wheels team have done incredible work putting on an annual car show to bring like-minded people together, fundraise for local causes, bring in visitors and have fun in the community.
The team did all the mahi themselves, from fundraising, organising and promoting, gathering stallholders and exhibitors and running the day smoothly and efficiently. Fab Feathy provided moral support, connections and some marketing support.

“Absolute support in assisting us and promoting our 1st Wai-Wheels Car Show namely – Wheels & Deals Swap Meet & Car Show going back as far as pre-covid. The support of the Fab Feathy Team enabled the whole Community to appreciate and enjoy an event that was a Fundraiser, free to the public and had the potential to grow and become an annual event associated with Featherston that would bring in visitors and in turn benefit the whole Community. We are now coming up to our 2nd annual Show – Fab Feathy were still there with us.”

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