Covid response projects

Covid response projects Covid response projects Covid response projects

The Featherston Foodbank relocated and was seeing increased demand due to the pressures of lockdowns. Fab Feathy was able to support the foodbank at this time of high stress (and for many years after) by purchasing shipping containers and refrigeration units to allow the foodbank to store more kai.
The wave of COVID brought together concerned parties, and a community food resilience plan was implemented. An MOU was signed between major trusts/groups to pool resources and streamline logistics.
Kia Atawhai: A community member came to Fab Feathy for help in forming a group. They facilitated meetings, liaised with the community, tapped into networks, and kept on top of ever-changing rules. Doing some of the mahi  themselves, working closely with Featherston Community Centre , as during this time of high stress they had the time available to. They also helped with connecting the dots with other groups working in this space.

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